Undergraduate Research

Undergraduates in physics are involved in laboratories at levels that range from assisting a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow with their respective project to running their own research project. In both cases the work may even lead to a publication in a scientific journal. Typically, assistance involves data analysis, programming laboratory equipment, and help with sample preparation and data collection and is the route followed for stays of one year or less in a laboratory. Independent projects, which often occur during the second of a two year stay in a laboratory, involve both independent work that is relevant to the mission of the laboratory or trying out "a crazy idea" that just may work. Below is a sampling of faculty research that undergrads can get involved in!


Joining a UCSD Physics Faculty Lab or Group

Click here to see the faculty who typically hire undergrad researchers and how to reach out to them.


Getting Units for Your Research

Click here to learn about signing up for Special Studies (i.e. research classes such as PHYS 98, 99, 199, and 199H).


Doing Summer Research

Click here to see summer physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) and also explore the site more broadly for other STEM opportunities.

Consider applying to the School of Physical Sciences Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Science (SPURS).

Consider applying for an Undergraduate Summer Research Program.

Consider applying for an Undergraduate Research Scholarship for the summer.


Publishing Your Research

Looking to get published? Click here to see a list of undergraduate research journals.


Get Featured for Your Research

Looking to get featured in relation to your research? Click here to submit a request to be featured in the Department newsletter. 


Presenting Your Research

Looking to present your research? Check out the following:


Getting Featured for Your Research

Looking to be featured on the Department and/or School of Physical Sciences social media about your research? Click here and provide some details about it. If you get selected to be featured, you'll be contacted!

Please check the Research & Related Internships section of the Physics Department Handbook for more exhaustive information relating to research in physics. 


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