Please see the topics below to learn about enrolling in Physics at UC San Diego over the summer.
Most other questions about our Physics 1 and 2 series courses (eg. prereqs, enrollment, waitlists, section switches, grading options, attendance, etc.) are addressed in our Physics 1 and 2 Series FAQs and you must read and adhere to this information. No exceptions. If your matter is not addressed elsewhere on our department website, please use the Physics Advising options.
Summer Schedule
The summer schedule will be available starting on March 21 at this link. When viewing the schedule of PHYS courses, notice that each class is standalone (eg. lecture vs lab) and that each course has unique enrollment requirements (eg. prereqs).
Summer Session Dates and Deadlines
Click here for more information about class session dates and timelines for enrollment-related actions. Please note that Physics does not have early lab drop deadlines (only campus deadlines apply).
Course Modality
Except for PHYS 2AR, an online course, all summer physics courses will be offered 100% in person.
Enrollment procedures vary by department. To enroll in summer physics courses, you MUST adhere to the UCSD Physics Department Enrollment Policies, not limited to but including the policies on completion of all listed prereqs AND the policies for prereqs taken outside of UCSD.
We will NOT reply to email requests to enroll or to have courses reviewed for equivalency. You MUST follow the procedures at the link above.
Once visiting student enrollment has begun, you can click here to see updates about sections and seats!
Summer Instructors
Summer instructors are hired/assigned right up until the first day of the session. As instructors are hired/assigned, their names are added to the online schedule, so you'll need to check the schedule regularly to see when the instructor has been hired/assigned.
Course Syllabi
Summer syllabi must be obtained directly from the course instructor once they have been hired (see “Summer Instructors” section, above), so you may need to wait until the term starts to receive that material. You can click here to obtain samples of past syllabi from our courses.
Textbook Information
Summer syllabi must be obtained directly from the course instructor once they have been hired (see “Summer Instructors” section, above), so you may need to wait until the term starts to receive that material. You can click here to obtain previous syllabi from our courses.