General mailing address: 

University of California San Diego
Recipient's Name, Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0319
La Jolla, CA 92093

Office Telephone: (858) 246-3440
Campus Mail Code: 0319

Chair, Oleg Shpyrko | Phone: (858) 534-6857

Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education, Andrew Meyertholen

Vice Chair of Graduate Education, Elena Koslover

Chief Administrative Officer (MSO), Vacant, see Jasmyn Wuerthwein

Asst. CAO & Business Office Manager, Jasmyn Wuerthwein | Phone: (858) 822-0434

For academic matters in the Graduate Program please feel free to contact the following individuals:

Graduate Coordinator, Sharmila Poddar | Phone: (858) 822-1074

Graduate Admissions Coordinator, Jennifer Yang | Phone: (858) 534-3293

Student Affairs Director, Catherine McConney | Phone: (858) 534-5982

Vice Chair for Graduate Education, Elena Koslover


For academic matters in the Undergraduate Program please seek advising from the Undergraduate Affairs Team:

UCSD and UCEAP Students use the "Ask a Question" feature in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). If the VAC is closed you will need to wait to submit your question until it reopens.

Non-UCSD Students email

For communication & press inquiries in Physics please contact:

Chief Administrative Officer (MSO), Vacant, see Jasmyn Wuerthwein

School of Physical Sciences Director of Communications, Michelle Franklin

Please direct all academic personnel and human resources inquiries to

Find out about Employee Wellness Resources

For a comprehensive contact list of administrative staff, inclusive of Administrative Support and Research Admin assignments, Hybrid Work Schedules, Org Chart, and Core Responsibilities, please consult our internal contacts list.