Travel Information
All travel requires pre-approval in Concur before making trip reservations or commencing travel. No exceptions will be allowed.
- Please review the "Before you Travel" in the link above as soon as you (or anyone in your group) expect to book a trip.
- Student Travel Forms must be completed prior to traveling. Please read here for more information on Student Travel.
- To allow someone else to act as your delegate in the new Concur Travel Reimbursement system, please follow these instructions.
- Faculty Absence Request Form (you must be logged into account to access form)
- Concur Training is available to assist you with your travel and reimbursements.
- You are welcome to work with your administrative support team member to book and reconcile travel.
- Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE)
The current Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) reimbursement ceiling stands at $92 per day. Should your daily expenses amount to $92 or more, receipts must be provided as per policy.
When submitting expenses for your daily meals and incidentals, please adhere to our policy by claiming only actual expenses incurred. While we don't mandate paid receipts for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE), we request that you retain them until reimbursement is processed.
To record daily M&IE, you are required to download a copy of this meal log and log actual expenses incurred including tax and tips (do not round). You are required to complete all sections in yellow and provide them to your Admin Support Team upon completion of your trip. If you hit the daily ceiling of $92 or above, the log will indicate that receipts are needed and you will be required to submit them for reimbursement.
Here are some resources to help you with the travel reconciliation process:
How to Submit a Travel Expense Report Knowledge Base Article (KBA)
Review this Blink page on required receipts/documentation.
Use this Meal Log to log daily meals and incidental (MI&E) expenses
Before submitting the expense report, review the Travel Checklist
Ensure that a valid business purpose/description is provided in the report header to justify University business travel.
If you have personal expenses on a UCSD Corporate Card or exceeded allowable travel limits, here is a KBA on how to reconcile Personal/Non-reimbursable Expenses
If you have any questions, please submit a Services & Support Case or join our weekly Office Hours.
Travel Information for Visitors
- Use this link to access PaymentWorks: PaymentWorks Sign-In
- Traveler step-by-step Registration Process