Starting Salaries in 2001 for PhD and Masters Degrees*

Other tables available include Salaries by Bachelor Degree(2003), Median 2004 salaries by profession, and Midcareer Salaries (1993).

   MASTERS DEGREE                        PhD DEGREE
Electrical Engineering 64188
Computer Science/Eng 61905 
Physics 61000 
Mechanical Engineering 56565 
Mathematics  55482 
MBA  52637 
Chemistry 51467
Material Science 50000 
Civil Engineering  44234 
Accounting 43196
Biology 38710 
Education 36059 
Psychology 34617
Humanities  32650 
Computer Science 84033
Elecrical Engineering 79383 
Mechanical Engineering 70124 
Physics  63220
Chemistry 62067 
Civil Engineering 61606 
Mathematics 58555
Economics 55867
English 43834
Biology 41989
Psychology 38823

*From ``Salary Survey", published September 2001 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.